Nana Biography

Well, it was a very chic guy, in a way. John was quite close to him at one time. 

He’s very witty. One of the funniest speeches I’ve ever heard given in my life. I just couldn’t believe he was so funny. He broke up, he was very witty. But he’s the kind of person – maybe Nancy told you, that when Herb died, never expressed himself to her, verbally. Ever. And John said to Nancy, he couldn’t. He didn’t know how . And she said, “bullshit.  He could write a note.”  She was very resentful. I said, “I think that’s just… “And as time went on,…   After Faith left, I used to have him over for dinner occasionally, because he was a great extra man, and we kept having him, and he kept eating and drinking, and there was never, I mean, maybe out of 10 times, he never even brought a bottle of wine with them. Nothing like that. So that I, and the same thing with Nancy. We all got mad. And just quit asking him. And of course, with Candice, I don’t think they…

It must be an odd life for her. 

That’s because she has a good job. I like her, don’t you?

She’s cute.

But as a couple, they’re just awful.

You wonder sometimes.

Older father figures, do you think it is?

Maybe. Was he her professor?

Possibly. I’m not sure.
