Sam Edwards

Born Sep 7, 1942, San Francisco

Middle son of Nancy and Don Edwards

Brother of Len and Bruce Edwards

Husband of Caren Edwards (divorced in 2024)

Father of Rachael and Dana Edwards

To see a much too detailed timeline of my life, click here.  The main items in this timeline are listed below.  Click on any item to read about it.

1942 -1956: The Early Years

1959: Mexico City

1956 - 1960: High School (Andover): click boldfaced name below:

1960: Christmas in Zermatt

1960 - 1964: College (Stanford)

1964: Summer in Greece

1965 - 1969: Peace Corps Malaysia (3 1/2 years)

1969: Travel home from Malaysia

1969 - 1973: Hewlett Packard (Cupertino)

1971: Rafting through the Grand Canyon

1973: Hewlett Packard (Grenoble)

1973: Egypt

1973 - 1974: European Tour

1974: Tunisia

1976: Mt. Rainier

1976 - 1979: Africa, Middle East, Far East (3 years)

1981 -1988: Software Publishing Corporation

1981: Greece and Turkey

1982: San Francisco Marathon

June 3, 1984: My Wedding!

1984: Honeymoon: Fiji and Tonga 

1988: Turks and Caicos Islands to Virgin Islands

1998:  Fiji 

1988: Society Islands

May 3, 1989: Rachael is born!

July 27, 1991: Dana is born!

1989 - 1998: Rachael and Dana - The Early Years

1991 - 1994: Legato Systems

1995 - 1999: BMC Software

1996: Caribbean cruise

1999 - 2003: South Pacific, Australia, New Zealand aboard Rhapsodie (5 1/2 years)

2004 - 2007: Carpinteria 

2005 - 2010: Commission Junction

2007: John Muir Trail with Dana

2010: Western US Road Trip (3 months): click boldfaced name below: 

2010: Sam and Dana in China 

2011: Cross Country Skiing with Rachael

2011 - 2014: Pacific Crest Trail (6 1/2 months)

2011: Southern California Road Trip

2013: Pacific Grove Triathlon

2013 - 2018: Mexico 

2014 - 2015: Middle East Trip: Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Sinai, Egypt, Israel National Trail (4 1/2 months)

2016: South America Trip: Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina (3 months)

2016: Peru with Len, Bruce and Che

2017: Utah Road Trip (3 weeks)

2017 - 2020: Continental Divide Trail (8 months)

2018: Celas Maya Spanish School, Guatemala: Session 1, Session 2, Session 3

2018: Grenada to Martinique

2019 - 2020: Central and South America: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Cuba, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (10 months)

2024: Iceland

2021 - Present: Scott's Valley, Santa Cruz County, California
