Mike Drooker

Born July 20, 1942, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Mike was my roommate at Andover for a year.  I hadn't seen him for over 70 years until I visited him in August 2024.

2024-07-17 Mike Drooker 01.MOV

Recorded August 17, 2024, at Mike's home in Durham, NH.

2024-08-17 Mike Drooker 02.MOV

Mike discusses an infamous chemistry lab experiment 

Penny and Mike, August 2024

We took a walk in the woods during my visit.  

June 10, 1971: Letter Mike Drooker to John: Where is Sam?

June 16, 2013: Telephone call to Mike Drooker

I just got off the phone from Mike Drooker. I have not spoken to him in at least 30 years. He’s in good shape, as are his two sisters, doing community work of various sorts.  He talked about his career in the Navy, where he served maintaining submarines, both diesel and nuclear, but not a whole lot of sea time. He regaled me with a story of a near explosion in chemistry lab at Andover that he caused, that I witnessed, but I did not remember. Clearly, he did.

September 1971:  Mike Drooker to Sam

January 13, 1973: Letter to Mike Drooker

December 23, 1973: Letter to Mike Drooker

Mike's entry in the Andover yearbook