Nana Biography

And those are girls that I could call up in the middle of the night and say, “I need you. Come over. “You know. And I,, I and Mrs. Powell and I were so involved in the world federalist together and her brother you know Allan and all that, and she’s a very warm loving person. She has lots of friends, but we’re close. And we know it.

Were they from the country club or where did you meet them?

No, no. They’re not from the country club at all. They live in Los Altos, and that’s where, and it was sort of through politics. The McEntire‘s were country club, their terribly wealthy, they have one of the most beautiful houses around here. Winnie McIntyre and Henry were friends of Dan and mine, long before. We knew them years ago, and they have four children, and have a lot of fun with them. We played bridge with them, they travel a lot now. They have a house in Palm Springs, they have a house in Honduras. But she doesn’t make you feel this. She’s just like anybody. And her marriage was on the rocks at one time. He was having an affair with somebody and I knew about it, and I told her. And she saved it. She confronted him in the whole thing was a mess for a while. But the marriage was saved and they’re very close now and the whole thing, and she’s always told me that she considers that the most wonderful thing that anybody has ever done for her. I don’t know why. But I guess it could’ve worked the other way. But I figured, this was after I had been divorced, had someone come to me, during the time Don was working in the office and seeing his secretary, he would drive her home at night or something, he was never away, really, if somebody had noticed, and called me up and told me, I don’t know if things would’ve been any different, but I would’ve appreciated knowing. And I didn’t until it was too late.
